Sunday, December 13, 2009


sir yes sir.....and let the history speak for itself...but for now...

SHUBHO is a married ...... with a capital M

however to my he said he will not put up with the actual rituals.... Man I should have been there....would have made this a time to remember...

Well some things just don't go your way does it... still that he is married only leaves me with getting Pete married and I ..only I would remain THE BACHELOR...

For sometime I was worried...Shubho seemed like sharing my throne... but now I am relieved ..... for Prashant is but a small issue and would be dealt in by close of 2010

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....


~ ॐ ~ said...

listen dude... I have that list of what you want! alright!

pange mat le mujhse tu!

Arobindo said...

Bhai...what you are upto is blackmail...what I am stating is fact and not see the connection.....

aneri_masi said...

shubho got married? cool :)