Wednesday, November 25, 2009


My world of posts seems to have dried up over the last couple of weeks...

seems like everybody has taken a break ....

anyway..been busy thinking....

and as usual had some talk with Pete...put a small plan together...good thing...

AND now enjoy the pics of my Nephew Rishan...he is 3 months old...


wasabiworker said...

what a totally adorable nephew you have....

i love the way babies have these tiny arms which don't extend beyong their head...

all the best for your mysterious plan....

Arobindo said...

yup that is true....

the plan is not mysterious just a thought...that My older nephew should know more about internet than just gaming...have setup a email for him...with a promise to send him an email everyday

SS said...

aww..Rishan is really adorable :)

Btw, what does 'Rishan' mean?

Arobindo said...

anything good...let me check you can see I was not consulted :)

Just check - Rishan means A good Human Being