Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The headline fellows

No it is not gen y,x it is us.. specifically it is people who just post headlines without any checks to see if what they are posting is factual or not. Generally it is a hate, ridicule.. like a poster and the medium does not matter, facebook, twitter, whatsapp group.. all they are looking for is a dopamine hit, these are people who have jobs or run business are responsible people they post really shitty pieces of information. I have recently started confronting this and this is my take on how it works

Side note : Facebook, twitter, youtube has been designed to keep you engaged at all times, the more you post the more they know about you and will show feeds relative to what you are posting, essentially it is feeding your emotion. That is how the algorithms work, if you are right oriented you will see matter bashing left and how the right is the victim and vice versa,the tactic is same from both sides almost to the T, a lot of CTRL F is used in the text Anyways this is how it goes down, you post something stupid, and you get likes on your post you feel wanted, happy ..etc etc somebody instead points out that you are talking shit, now two things happen

  •  You backoff (I will fuck with you later)
    •  If you know the person and not sure if they know more than you but you resolve to get him/her with something in future - it is dopamine denied .. revenge .You will then start sending the most absurd of posters without any context
    • You know the person and stop responding that particular comment, and all your "like minded" friends keep on congratulating .. Your mind is happy .. but you will get him/ her some day 
  • You attack (how dare you come in between me and my dopamine) 
    • You may know or not know the person and everybody of your "like minded" friend will pounce on him/her. You and your friends will troll and troll till you get your fill 
    • You will ignore, not because he/she is wrong, it is because you know you are wrong and you have been caught you fight with your data and you fight with no data and you then fight.. and at the end you say.. fuck you ..and fuck off i know this.. and this is what it is.. you have no idea this is the parting shot.. you just wait and watch 
It is about who wins the argument, it is not about right or wrong .. it is see how smart I am.. and how I made you look small..

The problem especially in the circles that i am in which is predominantly Indian, people who comments on history of India have never ever read .. they hated history when in school and have not invested even now to learn. Civics is another subject which is so fucking undervalued in our school and colleges.

 Most of these guys are just looking for a headline

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